Office Models

2drawerfile2_drawer_file 4k (2 drawer file cabinet)
2way_radio2way_radio 32k (2 way handheld radio)
4_drawer_file4_drawer_file 15k (4 drawer horizontal file cabinet)
alarm_keypadalarm_keypad 33k (alarm touch keypad)
blueprint_drawersblueprint_drawers 11k (blueprint cabinet with pull out drawers)
blueprint_file_cabinetblueprint_file_cabinet 42k (blueprint cabinet for rolled up prints)
briefcasebriefcase 12k (locking briefcase)
cassette_recordercassette_recorder 9k (older style cassette recorder)
cassette_tapecassette_tape 9k (cassette_tape)
copymachinecopymachine 17k (nice older type copy machine)
corner_deskcorner_desk 10k (corner computer desk)
deskdesk 5k (computer desk)
desklampdesklamp 41k (glass and brass desk lamp)
diffused_lightingdiffused_lighting 8k (diffused overhead fluorescent lighting)
doorstopdoorstop 14k (top of door doorstop)
drafting_tabledrafting_table 19k (simple style drafting table)
exit_signexit_sign 12k (lighted exit sign)
file_drawersfile_drawers 11k (horizontal file_drawers)
flipchartflipchart 10k (flipchart with metal rings)
floodlightsfloodlights 28k (indoor/outdoor floodlights)
guest_seatingguest_seating 96k (waiting area guest seating)
hanging_fileshanging_files 441k (hanging files and storage rack)
hourglasshourglass 174k (wood and glass hourglass)
in_out_boxin_out_box 10k (standard in and out boxes)
letterletter 95k (standard letter envelope w/texture)
letterholderletterholder 12k (plastic desk type letter holder)
lightswitchlightswitch 4k (standard light switch)
markermarker 13k (felt tip marker)
motion_detectormotion_detector 11k (motion detector)
notepadnotepad 9k (standard writing notepad)
notepadoffice_chair 199k (very nice office chair)
paperclippaperclip 12k (paperclip)
pencilpencil 12k (sharpened wooden pencil)
projectorprojector 30k (overhead projector)
pushpinpushpin 4k (push pin)
rolodexrolodex 52k (rolodex w/one card)
rubber_stamprubber_stamp 13k (rubber stamp)
scalescale 23k (small weight scale)
surveillance_camerasurveillance_camera 38k (wall type surveillance camera)
trashcantrashcan 11k (simple trashcan)
watercoolerwatercooler 34k (upside down bottle type watercooler)
whiteboardwhiteboard 6k (whiteboard with wooden frame and tray)